Tag biology

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-02

Biological Molecules The main topics concerning the tests are: Introduction to biochemistry, importance of carbon, importance of water, carbohydrates, types of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, structure of proteins, classification of proteins, nucleic acid, DNA,RNA, types of RNA. Board paper worth of…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-01

Introduction The main topics of the chapter concerning the tests are: Biology and some major fields of specialization, levels of biological organization, living world in space, phyletic lineage, biological method, biology and services of mankind, protection and conservation of environment.…

Past Papers, Biology-12

Dear Students and Respected Teachers! These are Biology-12 up-to-date papers of all Punjab & AJK boards. These are six year past papers (2018-2024) of annual exams under all the nine educational boards of Punjab and AJK board. Remember, 2020 papers…

Past Papers, Biology-11

Dear Students and Respected Teachers! These are Biology-11 previous board papers of all Punjab & AJK boards. These are six year past papers, from 2018 to 2024. However, 2020 papers are not included because that year exams could not be…