Tag Chapter 13

Solved Exercise, Bio-11, Ch-13

GASEOUS EXCHANGE FILL IN THE BLANKS Q.01: Each question has five options. Encircle the correct option. (i) ________ is the most abundant protein in the world. (Rubisco) (ii) Haemoglobin is a complex molecule which contains 9512 atoms and _______ amino…

Solved Exercise, Chem-12, Ch-13

CARBOXYLIC ACIDS FILL IN THE BLANKS Q.01: Fill in the blanks: (i) Formula of malonic acid is __________. (HOOC–CH2–COOH) (ii) Methyl nitrile upon acidic hydrolysis produces ________. (acetic acid) (iii) Melting points of carboxylic acids containing even number of carbon…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-13

Gaseous Exchange The important topics of this chapter concerning the tests are: need of respiratory gas exchange, gaseous exchange in plants, photorespiration and its consequences, respiratory organs, respiration in hydra, earthworm, cockroach, fishes, frog, birds, man, mechanism of breathing, transport…

Assessment Tests, Chem-12, Ch-13

Carboxylic Acids The important topics of this chapter concerning the tests are: Introduction & nomenclature of carboxylic acids, preparation of carboxylic acids & their physical properties, chemical reactions of carboxylic acids such as esterification, amide formation, partial and complete reduction,…