Tag biology

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-13

Gaseous Exchange The important topics of this chapter concerning the tests are: need of respiratory gas exchange, gaseous exchange in plants, photorespiration and its consequences, respiratory organs, respiration in hydra, earthworm, cockroach, fishes, frog, birds, man, mechanism of breathing, transport…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-12

Nutrition The tests correspond to the following topics of chapter-12: Introduction, autotrophic nutrition, heterotrophic nutrition, nutrition in insectivorous plants, methods of animal nutrition, digestion in amoeba, hydra, Planaria, cockroach, digestion in man, oral cavity, stomach ,small and large intestine, common…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-11

Bioenergetics Following topics of the chapter are relevant to the tests below: introduction, photosynthesis, chloroplasts, photosynthetic pigments, light as driving energy, role of carbon dioxide, reactions of photosynthesis, light dependent reaction, non cyclic phosphorylation, cyclic phosphorylation, dark reaction, respiration, aerobic…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-10

Kingdom Animalia Following topics are important with respect to the tests of chapter-10: introduction, grade radiate, grade bilaterian, diploblastic and triploblastic organization, parazoa, phylum coelenterate, phylum platyhelminths, aschelminthes, phylum Annelida, phylum Arthropoda, phylum Mollusca, phylum Echinodermata, phylum hemichordate, phylum chordate,…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-09

Kingdom Plantae Following topics of chapter-9 are relevant to the tests below: Introduction, classification of plantae, division bryophyte, adaptations to land habitat, classifications of bryophytes, alternation of generation and its significance, division tracheophyte, psilopsida, evolution of seed, lycopseda, sphenopsida, pteropsida,…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-08

Fungi The topics of chapter-8 relevant to the tests are: Introduction, the body of fungus, nutrition in fungi, reproduction in fungi, classification of fungi, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, deuteromycetes, land adaptations in fungi, importance of fungi, economic gain &loses due to…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-07

The Kingdom Protista (or Protoctista) The main topics relevant to the tests below are: Introduction, histological prospective, diversity among Protista, major groups of Protista including, protozoa, amoebae, zooflagellates, ciliates, foraminifers and actinopodes, apicomplexans, algae, euglenoids, dinoflagellates, diatoms, brown algae, red…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-06

Kingdom Prokaryotae (Monera) The topics concerning the tests given below are: Discovery of bacteria, occurrence of bacteria, structure of bacteria, size, shape, bacterial cell structure, flagella and their functions, pili and their function, the cell envelop, capsule, slime, cell wall,…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-05

Variety of Life The main topics of chapter-5 concerning the tests are: Introduction, nomenclature, two to five kingdom classification system, viruses, characteristics, structure, life cycle of bacteriophages, classifications of viruses, some viral diseases, retrovirus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis. Board…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-04

The Cell The main topics concerning the tests of Biology-11, chapter-4 are: Emergence and implication of cell theory, structure of organized cell, plasma membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisome, glyoxysomes, vacuole, cytoskeleton, centriole, mitochondria, plastids,…