Tag Chapter 10

Solved Exercise, Bio-11, Ch-10

KINGDOM ANIMALIA FILL IN THE BLANKS Q.01: Fill in the blanks: (i) Protozoans have been placed in a separate kingdom known as ________. (Protoctista) (ii) The sponges do not have any symmetry and are therefore called ________. (asymmetrical) (iii) Between…

Solved Exercise, Chem-12, Ch-10

ALKYL HALIDES FILL IN THE BLANKS Q.01: Fill in the blanks: (i) In tertiary alkyl halides the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is further attached to ______ carbon atoms directly. (three) (ii) The best method for the…

Solved Exercise, Chem-11, Ch-10

ELECTROCHEMISTRY Q.01: Multiple choice questions. For each question there are four possible answers a, b, c and d. Choose the one you consider correct. (i) The cathode reaction in the electrolysis of dil. H2SO4 with Pt electrodes is:       (a) Reduction…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-10

Kingdom Animalia Following topics are important with respect to the tests of chapter-10: introduction, grade radiate, grade bilaterian, diploblastic and triploblastic organization, parazoa, phylum coelenterate, phylum platyhelminths, aschelminthes, phylum Annelida, phylum Arthropoda, phylum Mollusca, phylum Echinodermata, phylum hemichordate, phylum chordate,…

Assessment Tests, Chem-12, Ch-10

Alkyl Halides Following topics are important with respect to the tests of chapter-10: Introduction, classification & nomenclature of alkyl halides, preparation of alkyl halides, reactivity of alkyl halides, substitution and elimination reactions of alkyl halides, and preparation & reactions of…