Question Bank | Chem-11, Ch-03

Here is a vast collection of objective and subjective questions in this question bank of chemistry 11, chapter 03. Following types of questions have been included here.

  • MCQs (Textbook Exercise)
  • MCQs (Previous Boards Essentials)
  • SQs Topic-wise (Previous Boards Essentials + Textbook Conceptuals)
  • LQs (Previous Boards Essentials)

You can find solutions to these questions from our publication, “An Insight Into Objective Chemistry-11”.

MCQs (Textbook Exercise)

Q. Each question has four possible answers. Tick the correct one.

01: Pressure remaining constant at which temperature the volume of a gas will become twice of what it is at 0oC: (BWP-18,19)(GJR-19,19)(SRG-19,19)(FSL-19,21)(RWP-19,21,22,23)(SWL-19,23)(DGK-22,23)(LHR-23)(MLT-23)

(a) 546oC          

(b) 200oC          

(c) 546 K          

(d) 273 K

02:  Number of molecules in one dm3 of water is close to: (LHR-16)(DGK-16)(AJK-16,19)(SRG-17,19)(BWP-18)(RWP-18)

(a) 6.02/22.4 ⤫ 1023

(b) 12.04/22.4 ⤫ 1023

(c) 18/22.4 ⤫ 1023               

(d) 55.6 × 6.02 ⤫ 1023

03: Which of the following, will have the same number of molecules at STP? (BWP-22)(LHR-22,22)

(a) 280 cm3 of CO2 and 280 cm3 of N2O

(b) 11.2 dm3 of O2 and 32 g of O2

(c) 44 g of CO2 and 11.2 dm3 of CO

(d) 28 g of N2 and 5.6 dm3 of oxygen

04: If absolute temperature of a gas is doubled and the pressure is reduced to one half, the volume of the gas will be: (LHR-17)(MLT-17,21)(DGK-18)(BWP-18)(GJR-19)

(a) Remain unchanged        

(b) Increase four times

(c) Reduce to 1/4                 

(d) Be doubled

05: How should the conditions be changed to prevent the volume of a given gas form expanding when it’s mass is increased? (LHR-22)(DGK-22)

(a) Temperature is lowered & pressure is increased.

(b) Temperature is increased & pressure is lowered.

(c) Temperature and pressure both are lowered.

(d) Temperature and pressure both are increased.

06: The molar volume of CO2 is maximum at: (DGK-16)(SRG-18)(GJR-18,19,22,22)(AJK-16)(BWP-16,17,18,19,21)(RWP-17,17)(LHR-19,22)(MLT-19)(SWL-19)(FSL-19,19)

(a) STP                                 

(b) 127oC and 1 atm

(c) 0oC and 2 atm                

(d) 273oC and 2 atm

07: The order of the rate of diffusion of gasses NH3, SO2, Cl2 and CO2 is: (FSL-17)(BWP-17)(SRG-17,18,23)(MLT-17,19)(RWP-18,22)(LHR-19)(AJK-19)(DGK-22,23)

(a) NH3>SO2>Cl2>CO2

(b) NH3>CO2>SO2>Cl2

(c) Cl2>SO2 CO2>NH3

(d) NH3>CO2>Cl2>SO2

08: Equal masses of CH4 and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 25oC. The fraction of total pressure exerted by oxygen is: (LHR-17,18)(FSL-17,18,21,23)(GJR-17,21,22)(SRG-18,19)(DGK-21)(BWP-21,22)SWL-22)

(a) 1/3 

(b) 8/9

(c) 1/9 

(d) 16/17

09: Gases deviate from ideal behavior at high pressure. Which of the followings is correct for non-ideality?                                          (FSL-22)

(a) At high pressure, the gas molecules move in one direction only.

(b) At high pressure, the collisions between the gas molecules are increased manifold.

(c) At high pressure, the volume of the gas becomes insignificant.

(d) At high pressure, the intermolecular attractions become significant.

10: The deviation of gas form ideal behavior is maximum at: (RWP-17)(AJK-17)(LHR-17,19)(DGK-17,19,22)(FSL-18,22)(BWP-19,23)(MLT-19,23)(SWL-22)

(a) –10oC and 5.0 atm         

(b) –10oC and 2.0 atm

(c) 100oC and 2.0 atm         

(d) 0oC and 2.0 atm

11:  A real gas obeying van der Waals equation will resemble ideal gas if: (SWL-17)(GJR-17)(MLT-17,19)(BWP-19)(FSL-19,23)

(a) Both “a” and “b” are large

(b) Both “a” and “b” are small

(c) “a” is small and “b” is large

(d) “a” is large and “b” is small

MCQs (Previous Boards Essentials)

Q. Each question has four possible answers. Tick the correct one.

01: The SI unit of pressure is: (DGK-17,19)(MLT-18)(BWP-23)

(a) Nm-1        

(b) Nm-2       

(c) Nm‑3      

(d) mm Hg

02: 1 atmosphere is equal to: (FSL-23)

(a) 760 mm of Hg         

(b) 1000 mm of Hg

(c) 760 cm of Hg           

(d) 20 Psi

03: The commonly used unit of pressure by meteorologists is: (AJK-17)

(a) Atmosphere             

(b) Pascal

(c) Millibar                    

(d) psi

04: The unit millibar is commonly used by: (LHR-19)                                        

(a) Meteorologists         

(b) Astronauts

(c) Engineers                 

(d) Dalton

05: Temperature and number of moles are kept constant in: (DGK-21)(BWP-23)

(a) Boyle’s law

(b) Charles’s law

(c) Avogadro’s law

(d) Dalton’s law of partial pressures

06: Graph between pressure and volume at constant temperature is called: (BWP-23)

(a) Isobar                       

(b) Isochor

(c) Isotherm                   

(d) Spectrograph

07: Constant factor in Charles’ law: (SRG-23)

(a) Volume                    

(b) Pressure

(c) Temperature            

(d) Both V and T

08: The value of ‘R’ in Nm K-1 mol-1 is: (FSL-23)                                

(a) 1.987     

(b) 8.3143  

(c) 0.0821   

(d) 2.4

09: At absolute zero, total kinetic energy of gas molecules is: (MLT-21)

(a) Maximum

(b) Zero

(c) Never becomes lower than 20 K

(d) Minimum

10: The density of gas can be determined by the formula: (LHR-21)(SWL-21,23)

(a) d=PM/RT                 

(b) d=RT/PM

(c) d=PMR/T                 

(d) d=PMT/R

11: Mass of 22.414 dm3 of N2 at STP is: (BWP-17)                                    

(a) 28 g      

(b) 14 g      

(c) 1.4 g     

(d) 2.8 g

12: Dalton’s law of partial pressures can be derived from: (MLT-21)                     

(a) Avogadro’s law

(b) General gas equation

(c) Charles’s law

(d) All of these

13: The partial pressure of oxygen in air is: (SRG-17)(DGK-23)(GJR-23)(LHR-23)

(a) 156 torr 

(b) 157 torr

(c) 158 torr

(d) 159 torr

14: Partial pressure of oxygen in human lungs in torr is: (LHR-17)(RWP-21)

(a) 161 torr 

(b) 116 torr

(c) 159 torr

(d) 760 torr

15: Which of the following will have highest rate of diffusion? (SWL-17)

(a) CO2         

(b) NH3        

(c) HCl       

(d) SO2

16: The spreading of fragrance of a rose or scent in air is due to: (SWL-18)

(a) Effusion                    

(b) Diffusion

(c) Osmosis                   

(d) Evaporation

17: The kinetic equation was derived by: (MLT-21)       

(a) Maxwell                  

(b) Boltzmann

(c) Clausius                   

(d) Bernoulli

18: The highest temperature at which a substance can exist as liquid state at its critical temperature is: (DGK-19)

(a) Absolute zero

(b) Consulate temperature

(c) Critical temperature

(d) Transition temperature

19: Critical temperature of water vapours is: (DGK-23)                                   

(a)  647.6K  (b) 405.6K  (c) 546K     (d) 273K

20: Critical temperature of NH3 is: (BWP-16)                                   

(a) 132.44oC                  

(b) –132.44oC

(c) 0oC                           

(d) 136.25oC

21: All gases can be liquified by Linde’s method except: (LHR-23)

(a) N2         

(b) O2         

(c) F2          

(d) He

22: The scientist who identified plasma: (RWP-23)

(a) William Crooks        

(b) Van der Waals’

(c) Rutherford                

(d) Boyle

23: The sun is a ________ kilometer ball of plasma heated by nuclear fusion. (MLT-21)                    

(a) 1.5 million kilometer

(b) 1.5 billion kilometer

(c) 3 million kilometer

(d) None of these

24: The temperature of natural plasma is about: (DGK-17)(FSL-22)

(a) 20,000oC                  

(b) 10,000oC

(c) 5000oC                     

(d) 1000oC



Q.01: What are the states of matter?

Q.02: Why are liquids less common than other forms of matter?

Q.03: Write any four properties of liquids. (SRG-19)

Q.04: What is one atmosphere pressure? (SRG-19)

Q.05: Define pressure. Give its two units? (FSL-23)


Q.06: Define gas laws.

Q.07: State Boyle’s law and write its mathematical form. (MLT-21)(BWP-22,23)

Q.08: What do you mean by the term isotherm? (DGK-21)(RWP-21)                     

Q.09: What happens to the positions of isotherms, when they are plotted at higher temperatures? OR Why does the graph plotted between pressure and volume move away from pressure axis at higher temperature? (DGK-21)(LHR-21)

Q.10: Why does the graph between P and 1/V give straight line? What is the effect of temperature on the position of this straight line? (LHR-19)

Q.11: The graph between P and PV is a straight line. Explain why? (LHR-16)(GJR-18)

Q.12: Explain that value of k in Boyle’s law depends on: (a) Temperature (b) Quantity of gas.           

Q.13: State Charles’s law. Write its mathematical form. (SRG-19)(GJR-21)(MLT-21)(FSL-22,23)

Q.14: Write down the quantitative definition of Charles’s law.


Q.15: Justify that the volume of given mass of a gas becomes theoretically zero at –273oC.

Q.16: Throw some light on the factor 1/273 in Charles’s law. (RWP-17)(BWP-19)(SRG-23)

Q.17: Define absolute Zero. (FSL-16,19)(LHR-16,17)(DGK-17)(SRG-19)(SRG-22)

Q.18: What is absolute zero? Show it by drawing a graph. (DGK-19)

Q.19: How is absolute zero explained by drawing graph? (MLT-19)(FSL-23)

Q.20: Do you think that the volume of any quantity of a gas becomes zero at –273.16oC? Is it not against the law of conservation of mass?

Q.21: Absolute zero (–273.15oC) is the lowest possible (coldest) temperature. Give reason. (SWL-19)

Q.22: Describe different scales of thermometry. OR What is centigrade scale of thermometry. (FSL-21,21)

Q.23: Write formulas for interconversion of various scales of temperature. (DGK-21)(LHR-22)

Q.24: Convert: (a) –40oF into Centigrade scale. (b) 40oC into Fahrenheit scale. (RWP-16,19)(FSL-16)(BWP-19)(GJR-22)

Q.25: Convert 30o to Fahrenheit scale. (RWP-22)


Q.26: Briefly discuss/derive general gas equation. (FSL-21)(MLT-21)

Q.27: What is R? What is its physical significance? (GJR-21)(LHR-21)

Q.28: Calculate the value of R at STP. OR Derive the units of ‘R’ when pressure is in atmosphere and volume is in dm3. (BWP-16)(LHR-18)(FSL-21,22)

Q.29: Calculate the value of R in SI units. (MLT-16,17,19,21,21)(LHR-16,19,21)(FSL-17,18,19)(SRG-17,19)(DGK-17,21)(GJR-19,21,23)(BWP-19)(SWL-21,23)

Q.30: Drive the values of ‘R’ when the pressure is in Nm–1 and Volume in m3. (SWL-22)(DGK-23)

Q.31: Derive mathematical relationship for density of an ideal gas. (LHR-23)

Q.32: How the densities of ideal gases can be calculated from ideal gas equation? (LHR-22)

Q.33: Derive formula to determine the density of a gas from ideal gas equation.

Q.34: How is the density of gas related to temperature and pressure of the gas?

Q.35: Prove that d = PM/RT. (RWP-16)(LHR-17)(DGK-17,21,22)(SRG-19)(BWP-19)(MLT-21)(SWL-23)

Q.36: Why do we feel comfortable in expressing the densities of gases in units of g dm3 rather than g cm3? (MLT-23)

Q.37: Why are the densities of gases expressed in the units of g dm–3, while that of liquids and solids are expressed in unitsof g cm–3? (DGK-16)(LHR-17)


Q.38: What is Avogadro’s law of gases? Give example. (LHR-23)

Q.39: State Avogadro’s law. (DGK-16,17)(LHR-16,21)


Q.40: Justify that 1cm3 of H2 and 1 cm3 of CH4 at STP will have same number of molecules, when one molecule of CH4 is 8 times heavier than that of H2. (MLT-23)

Q.41: Do you think that 1 mole of H2 and 1 mole of NH3 at 0oC and 1 atm pressure will have Avogadro’s number of particles? (GJR-15,18)


Q.42: State Dalton’s law of partial pressures. Give its expression. (FSL-19)(DGK-21)(MLT-21)

Q.43: Define partial pressure. (RWP-21)

Q.44: Dalton’s law of partial pressures is only obeyed by those gases which do not have any attractive forces among their molecules. Explain.

Q.45: How does Dalton’s law help in calculating the pressure of gas collected over water? OR What is aqueous tension? OR How pressure of a dry gas can be calculated?(MLT-16)(GJR-21)

Q.46: What is aqueous tension? How you can find pressure of a gas over water in a container? (DGK-23)

Q.47: How does Dalton’s law explain the process of respiration? (RWP-19)(SWL-22)(GJR-23)

Q.48: At higher altitude, pilots feel uncomfortable breathing, why? OR Why do pilots use pressurized cabin? (SRG-17)(SWL-18)(RWP-18,22)(DGK-19,21)(LHR-21,23)

Q.49: Deep sea divers or scuba divers do not use normal air in breathing, why? (DGK-17)(RWP-16)(SRG-17)(AJK-17)

Q.50: Why normal air cannot be used in divers’ tank? (DGK-22)(SWL-23)

Q.51: Write down any two applications of Dalton’s law of partial pressures. (AJK-19)(FSL-21)


Q.52: Define diffusion and effusion of gases. (MLT-19)

Q.53: Define diffusion? (BWP-22)

Q.54: Differentiate between diffusion and effusion. (BWP-17,18,22)(AJK-17)(SWL-17)(MLT-17)(RWP-17)(FSL-18)(DGK-22)(LHR-23)

Q.55: State Graham’s law of diffusion. Give its mathematical expression. (MLT-16)(BWP-17)(GJR-19)(DGK-19,19)

Q.56: Lighter gases diffuse more rapidly than heavier gases. Give reason. (DGK-15,19)(LHR-16,19)(RWP-17)(MLT-19)(BWP-19)

Q.57: Why rate of diffusion of NH3 is more than HCl gas? (BWP-23)


Q.58: List the four postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases. (SRG-23)

Q.59: Describe law of distribution of velocities. (FSL-21)

Q.60: Define mean square velocity and root mean square velocity.

Q.61: Differentiate between mean square velocity and root mean square velocity.

Q.62: Write expression for kinetic equation and root mean square velocity of gases. (MLT-19)               

Q.63: Derive Boyle’s law from KMT. (DGK-18,23)(GJR-19,21)(MLT-19)(LHR-21)(BWP-23)

Q.64: Derive Charles’s law from KMT. (RWP-19)(BWP19)(LHR-22)                                                

Q.65: Derive Avogadro’s law from KMT. (MLT-18,19)(AJK-19)(FSL-21)

Q.66: Derive Graham’s law of diffusion from kinetic equation. (LHR-21)


Q.67: How does heat flow from hotter to colder body?


Q.68: Define critical temperature. On what factors does it depend? (SWL-23)

Q.69: Define critical temperature (Tc) with one example. (AJK-19)(BWP-22)

Q.70: Define critical temperature and critical pressure of a substance. (FSL-22)

Q.71: Define critical temperature, critical pressure, and critical volume. (DGK-16,17)(LHR-16)(MLT-17,18)(BWP-17)(GJR-19,19)(FSL-19)

Q.72: What is critical temperature and pressure of gas? Write name and formula of a gas whose critical temperature is above room temperature. (DGK-19)

Q.73: What is critical temperature of a gas? What is its importance for liquefaction of gases? (BWP-23)

Q.74: How is the critical temperature an essential criterion to be considered for the liquefaction of gases? Or What is the importance of critical temperature for liquefaction of gases?

Q.75: Polar gases have higher critical temperature than non-polar gases. Why?

Q.76: Define and explain Joule-Thomson effect. (FSL-17,19,22)(MLT-17,18,19)(LHR-19)(RWP-22)

Q.77: Give general principle of liquefaction of gases. (FSL-19)

Q.78: Why H2 and He cannot be liquefied by Linde’s method? (FSL-19)


Q.79: Define compressibility factor.

Q.80: Differentiate between an ideal and a real gas.

Q.81: Why do real gases deviate from ideal behavior? (SWL19)(DGK-22)

Q.82: What are the causes of deviation of real gases from ideality? (LHR-23)

Q.83: Give two causes of deviation of real gases from ideal behavior. OR Real gases show non-ideal behaviour due to two assumptions of kinetic molecular theory, explain. (SWL-18)(LHR-19)(FSL-16)(BWP-17,17)(DGK-19,23)

Q.84: What are two faulty points of kinetic molecular theory of gases. (GJR-19)(LHR-22)(RWP-23)

Q.85: Gases show non-ideal behaviour at low temperature and high pressure, give reason. (LHR-23)

Q.86: Why do gases deviate from ideal behaviour at high pressure and low temperature? (DGK-16,22)(BWP-17)(FSL-17)(MLT-18)(GJR-19)(RWP-23)

Q.87: Gases deviate from ideal behaviour more at 0oC than at 100oC. Give the reason. (DGK-23)

Q.88: What is the effect of pressure and heat on the behaviour of gases? (GJR-23)

Q.89: Why do polar gases deviate more from ideality than non-polar gases?

Q.90: Water vapours don’t behave ideally at 273 K. (GJR-17,18)(DGK-16,17)(MLT-18,23)(SRG-19)(LHR-22)(GJR-22)

Q.91: SO2 is comparatively non-ideal at 273 K but behaves ideally at 373 K. (BWP-16,18)(RWP-17)(SRG-17)(GJR-17)(DGK-18)

Q.92: H2 and He are ideal at room temperature but SO2 and Cl2 are non-ideal Explain. (GJR-18)(SRG-18)

Q.93: Why was volume correction done by van der Waals?

Q.94: What is b? Why is it greater than the actual volume of the gas molecules?

Q.95: Why was the pressure correction done by van der Waals’?

Q.96: The pressure of NH3 gas at given condition (say 20 atm pressure and room temperature) is less when calculated by van der Waals equation than that calculated by general gas equation, why?   

Q.97: What are van der Waal’s constants? What is their physical significance?                  

Q.98: What is the physical significance of van der Waal’s constants ‘a’ and ‘b’? give their units. (FSL-23,23)

Q.99: What are the units of ‘a’ and ‘b’? (MLT-18)   

Q.100: Derive the SI units of van der Waal’s constant. (LHR-19)(BWP-19)


Q.101: What is plasma? (FSL-14)

Q.102: Define plasma. How is it formed? (GJR-19)(RWP-23)

Q.103: How plasma is formed? (BWP-22)

Q.104: Define plasma. Why is it neutral? (BWP-19)

Q.105: Define plasma. Also give its application. (BWP-19)

Q.106: What are natural and artificial plasma? OR What are the types of plasma? (MLT-16)(BWP-16,23)(FSL-18,22)

Q.107: What is the difference between natural and artificial plasma? (DGK-23)

Q.108: Where is plasma found? (GJR-21)(GJR-23)

Q.109: What are the characteristics of plasma? OR Write down two characteristics of plasma. (BWP-17,18)(LHR-18,19,21,21)(SWL-19,23)(DGK-21)(GJR-21)(FSL-21)(RWP-22)(SRG-23)

Q.110: Give important uses of plasma. OR Write any two applications of plasma. (MLT-16,17)(AJK-16,19)(DGK-16,19,21,22)(LHR-17)(SRG-17)(FSL-17,18,19,23)(BWP-23)Q.111: What is future horizon of plasma? (SWL-21)



01: State Boyle’s law. Give its experimental verification. (MLT-21)

02: State Charles’s law. Explain its experimental verification. (LHR-21)

03: A gas having a volume of 10 dm3 is enclosed in a vessel at 0oC and the pressure is 2.5 atm. This gas is allowed to expand until the new pressure is 2 atm. What will be the new volume of this gas, if the temperature is maintained at 273K. (SWL-22)

04: 250 cm3 of hydrogen is cooled from 127oC to –27oC by maintaining the pressure constant. Calculate the new volume of gas at constant temperature. (GJR-19,22)(FSL-19,22)(RWP-22)(DGK-23)


05: Derive general gas equation for one mole of a gas from gas laws at STP. (FSL-21)

06: State and explain general gas equation. Calculate value of ‘R’ in SI units. (DGK-17)(LHR-17)

07: What is ideal gas constant ‘R’? Calculate its values in different units. (BWP-16)(SRG-17)

08: Derive an expression from general gas equation to calculate the density of gas. (DGK-16)

09: A sample of nitrogen gas is enclosed in a vessel of volume 380 cm3 at 120°C and pressure of 101325 Nm-2. This gas is transferred to a 10 dm3 flask and cooled to 127oC. Calculate the pressure in Nm-2 exerted by the gas at 27°C. (SRG-19)(LHR-19,22,23)(DGK-22)

10: Calculate the density of CH4 at 0oC and 1 atmosphere pressure. (FSL-19)(DGK-19)(BWP-19)(AJK-19)

11: Calculate the density of CH4 at 0oC and 1 atmosphere pressure. What happened to the density if pressure increased to 2atm at 0oC? (GJR-22)

12: Calculate the density of CH4 at 0oC and 1 atmosphere pressure. What happened to the density if pressure increased to 27oC? (DGK-22)

13: Calculate the mass of 1 dm3 of NH3 gas at 30°C and 1000 mm Hg pressure, considering that NH3 is behaving ideally. (GJR-19,23)(FSL-19)(DGK-19)(RWP-22)(LHR-22,23)(BWP-22,23)(SRG-23)(SWL-23)

14: Calculate the number of atoms in 20 cm3 of CH3 gas at 0°C and pressure of 700 mm of Hg. (RWP-23)

15: State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion. (RWP-19)


16: State and explain Dalton’s law of partial pressures. Derive its mathematical expression for calculating partial pressure of a gas. (SWL-17)

17: How Dalton’s law of partial pressures calculates the partial pressure of a gas? (FSL-21)

18: Derive an equation to find out the partial pressure of a gas knowing the individual moles of the component gases and the total moles of the mixture. (GJR-21) 

19: State Dalton’s law of partial pressures. Also write its mathematical form. Give its one application. (SWL-17)(FSL-17)(RWP-17)

20: State Dalton’s law of partial pressure and write its four applications. (LHR-16)

21: Discuss in detail the practical applications of Dalton’s law of partial pressures. (DGK-21)

22:  There is a mixture of hydrogen, helium and methane occupying a vessel of volume 13 dm3 at 37°C and pressure of 1 atmosphere. The masses of H2 and He are 0.8 g and 0.12 g respectively. Calculate the partial pressure in torr of each gas in the mixture. (MLT-23)

23: What pressure is exerted by a mixture of 2.00 g of H2 and 8.00 g of N2 at 273 K in a 10 dm3 vessel? (DGK-23)(FSL-23)(GJR-23)(BWP-23)                                                                                                                     


24: What is Graham’s law of diffusion? Give its experimental verification. (RWP-16)(MLT-16)(FSL-16)(DGK-16,17)(BWP-17)(FSL-17)

25: 250 cm3 of the sample of hydrogen effuses four times as rapidly as 250 cm3 of an unknown gas. Calculate the molar mass of unknown gas. (SWL-19)(BWP-22)(FSL-22,23)


26: Give eight postulates of KMT (Kinetic Molecular Theory). (LHR-16,21)(MLT-17)(GJR-21)

27: Derive Boyle’s and Charles’s laws with the help of kinetic theory of gases. (MLT-21)

28: Explain Boyle’s law and Avogadro’s law on the basis of KMT. (MLT-17)

29: What is kinetic interpretation of temperature? Explain. (DGK-21)


30: What is Joule-Thomson effect? Explain Linde’s method for the liquefaction of gases. (AJK-16,17)

31: Describe Linde’s method for the liquefaction of gases. (SRG-17)(RWP-17)


32: Explain non-ideal behaviour of gases. (MLT-16)(BWP-17)


33: Derive van der Waals equation for real gases and give the physical significance for van der Waals’ constants ‘a’ & ‘b’.

34: A sample of krypton with a volume of 6.25 dm3, a pressure of 765 torr and a temperature of 20°C is expanded to a volume of 9.55 dm3, and a pressure of 375 torr. What will be the final temperature in oC? (SWL-23)                                                                          

35: One mole of methane gas is maintained at 300 K. Its volume is 250 cm3. Calculate the pressure exerted by the gas under the following conditions: i) When the gas is ideal. ii) When the gas is non-ideal. (a 2.253 atm dm6 mol–2 b 0.0428 dm3 mol–1) (DGK-19)(LHR-19)(MLT-19,19)(SRG-19)

3.12: PLASMA

36: Define plasma and explain its four applications. (RWP-21)

NOTE: Study and utilize this treasure of questions in your preparations. Also give your opinion in comments to improve this effort. Your verdict will have a meaning for us. Thanks a lot!

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