Question Bank | Chem-11, Ch-04

Here is a vast collection of objective and subjective questions in this question bank of chemistry 11, chapter 04. Following types of questions have been included here.

  • MCQs (Textbook Exercise)
  • MCQs (Previous Boards Essentials)
  • SQs Topic-wise (Previous Boards Essentials + Textbook Conceptuals)
  • LQs (Previous Boards Essentials)

You can find solutions to these questions from our publication, “An Insight Into Objective Chemistry-11”.

MCQs (Textbook Exercise)

Q. Each question has four possible answers. Tick the correct one.

01: London dispersion forces are the only forces present among the: (DGK-16)(MLT-16,19,21)(BWP-17)(RWP-19)(LHR-22)(FSL-22,23)

(a) Molecules of water in liquid state

(b) Atoms of helium in gaseous state at high temperature

(c) Molecules of solid iodine

(d) Molecules of hydrogen chloride gas

02: Acetone and chloroform are soluble into each other due to: (RWP-16)(AJK-16)(FSL-16,17,19)(BWP-16,19,19,23)(MLT-16,19,21)(SRG-18,18)(DGK-19,22)(GJR-21)(SWL-22)

(a) Intermolecular hydrogen bonding

(b) Ion-dipole interaction

(c) Instantaneous dipole

(d)All of the above

03: NH3 shows maximum boiling point among the hydrides of Vth group elements due to: (RWP-17,22)(LHR-18,22)(FSL-19)(DGK-21)

(a) Very small size of nitrogen

(b) Lone pair of electrons present on nitrogen

(c) Enhanced electronegative character of nitrogen

(d) Pyramidal structure of NH3

04: When water freezes at 0oC, its density decreases due to: (AJK-16)(MLT-16,17)(SRG-17,19,19)(BWP-18,18,21,22)(SWL-19)(GJR-19,22)(LHR-21)(FSL-21)(RWP-21,23)(SWL-22)(DGK-23)

(a) Cubic structure of ice

(b) Empty spaces present in the structure of ice

(c) Change of bond lengths

(d) Change of bond angles

05: In order to mention the boiling point of water at 110oC, the external pressure should be: (LHR-16,17)(DGK-16,22,23)(RWP-18,22)(GJR-19)(FSL-19)(AJK-19)(BWP-23)

(a) Between 760 torr and 1200 torr

(b) Between 200 torr and 760 torr

(c) 765 torr

(d) Any value of pressure


06: Ionic solids are characterized by: (MLT-16)(AJK-16)(SRG-16,17)(DGK-16,22)(RWP-17)(BWP-18,19,21)(LHR-18,23)(GJR-19,23)(FSL-22,23)(SWL-23)

(a) Low melting points

(b) Good conductivity in solid state

(c) High vapour pressures

(d) Solubility in polar solvents

07: Amorphous solids: (MLT-19)(RWP-19,22)(DGK-21,22)(GJR-22)

(a) Have sharp melting points.

(b) Undergo clean cleavage when cut with knife.

(c) Have perfect arrangement of atoms.

(d) Can possess small regions of orderly arrangement of atoms.

08: The molecules of CO2 in dry ice form the: (GJR-17)(DGK-17,18,19,23)(RWP-17,18,22)(SRG-18,18,19)(LHR-19)(FSL-19,22)

(a) Ionic crystals                   

(b) Covalent crystals

(c) Molecular crystals           

(d) Any type of crystals

09: Which of the followings is a pseudo solid? (AJK-16)(LHR-16,17,17,22,23)(BWP-16,17,18,19,22)(DGK-16,17,18,23)(FSL-17)(FSL-17)(GJR-18,19,22)(SWL-19)

(a) CaF2

(b) Glass            

(c) NaCl            

(d) All

10: Diamond is a bad conductor because: (FSL-16)(GJR-17)(LHR-17,22)(MLT-19,23)(SRG-19)(BWP-23)

(a) It has a tight structure.

(b) It has a high density.

(c) There are no free electrons present in the crystal of diamond to conduct electricity. (d) Is transparent to light.

MCQs (Previous Boards Essentials)

Q. Each question has four possible answers. Tick the correct one.

(1) Dipole-dipole forces are present among: (SRG-17)(RWP-22) 

(a) Molecules of Iodine  

(b) Atoms of Neon in gaseous state

(c) Chloroform molecules

(d) CCl4 molecules

(2) Debye’s forces are also called: (MLT-21)

(a) Dipole-dipole forces

(b) Dipole-induced dipole

(c) London forces

(d) Ion-dipole forces

(3) Down the VII-A group, polarizability generally: (GJR-16)

(a) Decreases                

(b) Increases

(c) Remains same          

(d) Unpredictable

(4) Hydrogen bonding is maximum in: (LHR-19)

(a) HI             

(b) HBr          

(c) HCl          

(d) H2O

(5) In chloroform and acetone, how many chlorine atoms are responsible for hydrogen bonding? (SWL-21)

(a) 1                

(b) 2                

(c) 3                

(d) 4

(6) Among the given, hydrogen bonding is maximum in: (SWL-21)

(a) Alcohol                    

(b) Benzene

(c) Water                       

(d) Diethyl ether

(7) Which of the given has hydrogen bonding? (BWP-17)(LHR-23)

(a) CH4          

(b) NH3         

(c) CCl4         

(d) NaCl

(8) The order of acidic strength is: (MLT-21)

(a) HF > HCl > HBr > HI

(b) HCl > HF > HI > HBr

(c) HI > HBr > HCl > HF

(d) HBr > HF > HI > HCl

(9) Density of H2O is maximum at: (BWP-16)

(a) 0oC        

(b) 2oC        

(c) -1oC       

(d) 4oC

(10) Density of ice is minimum at 0oC due to: (LHR-19)(FSL-22)

(a) Empty spaces in structure of ice

(b) Tetrahedral shape of crystals of ice

(c) Large bond lengths

(d) Large bond angles

(11) Vapour pressure of liquid depends upon: (SWL-17)

(a) Amount of liquid      

(b) Surface area

(c) Temperature             

(d) Size of container

(12) Vapor pressure of a substance does not depend upon: (GJR-16)

(a) Temperature

(b) Physical state of matter

(c) Intermolecular forces

(d) Surface area

(13) Which of the following has highest vapour pressure at 25oC? (SRG-23)

(a) Mercury                   

(b) Ethanol

(c) CCl4                                  

(d) Chloroform

(14) Water boils at 98oC at external pressure of: (GJR-23)

(a) 700 torr 

(b) 765 torr 

(c) 800 torr 

(d) 900 torr

(15) The boiling point of water at Murree hills: (BWP-22)

(a) 90oC      

(b) 98oC      

(c) 100oC    

(d) 120oC

(16) At the top of Mount Everest, water boils at: (LHR-18)(BWP-16)

(a) 70oC      

(b) 71oC      

(c) 69oC      

(d) 68oC

(17) At 323 torr, the boiling point of water is: (AJK-19)

(a) 120oC    

(b) 100oC    

(c)  69oC      

(d) 110oC

(18) The boiling point of glycerin at 1 atmospheric pressure is: (AJK-17)

(a) 210oC    

(b) 270oC    

(c)  290oC    

(d) 300oC

(19) Glycerin boils at 110oC when the external pressure is: (MLT-23)

(a) 760 torr 

(b) 500 torr 

(c)  100 torr 

(d) 50 torr

(20) Which of the given hydrocarbons has the highest heat of vaporization? (SWL-23)

(a) CH4          

(b) C2H6       

(c)  C3H8     

(d) C6H14

(21) Cholesteryl benzoate turns into milky liquid at: (DGK-17)

(a) 144oC    

(b) 145oC    

(c)  146oC    

(d) 147oC

(22) Liquid crystals are used in: (FSL-23)

(a) Neon signs               

(b) Fluorescent bulbs

(c) TV displays                   

(d) Lightening discharge

(23) The solid which has no definite crystalline shape: (LHR-19)

(a) Sugar     

(b) Salt        

(c)  Glass     

(d) Dry ice

(24) Which of the following is amorphous solid? (SRG-23)

(a) NaCl      

(b) Glass     

(c)  NaBr     

(d) CaF2

(25) NaF and MgO are isomorphs of each other and exist in: (FSL-23)

(a) Tetragonal form        

(b) Rhombohedral form

(c) Orthorhombic form   

(d) Cubic form

(26) Which one pair is isomorphic in nature? (FSL-21)

(a) NaCl, KBr                 

(b) CaCl2, CaCO3

(c) NaF, MgCl2                   

(d) Na2CO3, MgCO3

(27) The existence of an element in more than one crystalline form is known as: (LHR-23)

(a) Polymorphism          

(b) Allotropy

(c) Symmetry                

(d) Anisotropy

(28) Total number of Bravais lattices are: (RWP-23)

(a) 7            

(b) 10         

(c)  12         

(d) 14

(29) The crystal system of Sulphur is: (GJR-21)

(a) Cubic                       

(b) Hexagonal

(c) Triclinic                    

(d) Monoclinic

(30) The highest value of lattice energy is for which one of these ionic compounds? (FSL-16)

(a) NaI        

(b) NaF       

(c) NaBr     

(d) NaCl

(31) In the monoclinic system, bond axis are: (LHR-21)

(a) a = b = c

(b) a = b ≠ c

(c)  a ≠ b = c

(d) a ≠ b ≠ c

(32) Which one of the followings is an example of cubic system? (RWP-21)

(a) Diamond                  

(b) Borax

(c) Iodine                       

(d) Graphite

(33) Crystal of diamond is: (SRG-17)(DGK-19)

(a) Ionic                         

(b) Covalent

(c) Molecular                 

(d) Metallic

(34) Transition temperature of KNO3 is: (SWL-17)(MLT-18)

(a) 13.2oC   

(b) 95.5oC   

(c)  128oC    

(d) 32.2oC

(35) Transition temperature of S8(monoclinic) S8(rhombic) is: (SWL-17)(MLT-18)(DGK-19)

(a) 13.2oC   

(b) 95.5oC   

(c)  128oC    

(d) 110oC

(36) Which of the following solids is an example of covalent solid with layered lattice? (BWP-23)

(a)  Diamond                 

(b) Silicon carbide

(c)  Aluminium nitride   

(d) Graphite  

(37) Iodine is: (BWP-16)

(a)  An ionic solid          

(b) A covalent solid

(c)  A metallic solid        

(d) A molecular solid



Q.01: Differentiate between intermolecular and intramolecular forces. (RWP-17)(SRG-17)

Q.02: What are intermolecular forces of attraction? Give two examples. (LHR-23)

Q.03: What do you mean by intermolecular forces? (DGK-22)

Q.04: Why are intermolecular forces weaker than intramolecular forces?

Q.05: What are van der Waals forces?

Q.06: What are dipole-dipole forces? Give example. (SWL-22)(BWP-22)(GJR-23)     

Q.07: What are dipole-dipole forces? Name the properties which are affected by these forces.                                            (FSL-16,19)(DGK-17,22)(GJR-19)(LHR-21)(MLT-21)

Q.08: What are Debye’s forces or dipole-induced dipole forces? (RWP-21)(MLT-18,21)(FSL-18)(DGK-21)(BWP-23)

Q.09: What are London forces? Give example. (FSL-22)

Q.10: What is the role of London dispersion forces in the liquefaction of noble gases?

Q.11: Name the factors affecting London dispersion forces. (LHR-21)

Q.12: Define polarizability. (FSL-19)(MLT-19)

Q.13: What is polarizability and give its relation with London dispersion forces. (LHR-22)

Q.14: How does polarizability affect the strength of London forces? (RWP-21)

Q.15: Boiling points of halogens increase going down the group. Give reasons. (DGK-19)(RWP-22)

Q.16: Why do the boiling points of Noble gases increase down the group? (MLT-17)(SWL-17)

Q.17: Why iodine is a solid while fluorine and chlorine are gases? (FSL-23)

Q.18: Why ethane has higher boiling point than methane? (SWL-22)

Q.19: Why methane is a gas while hexane is a liquid? (BWP-23)

Q.20: Ethane and hexane have boiling points –88.6oC & 68.7oC respectively. Comment on this drastic change. (GJR-19)

Q.21: London dispersion forces are weaker than dipole-dipole forces. Explain. (RWP-22)

Q.22: Define hydrogen bonding. Show hydrogen bonding in ammonia. (RWP-17,18)

Q.23: Define hydrogen bonding. Give one example. (DGK-22)(GJR-23)

Q.24: Why is HF weaker than all the halogen acids? (MLT-17,21)(FSL-19)(GJR-21)(DGK-21)

Q.25: Give reason for the lowest boiling point of the hydrides of group IVA elements. (GJR-19)

Q.26: Why H2O is liquid at room temperature and NH3 is gas? (LHR-22)

Q.27: H2O is a liquid while H2S is a gas at room temperature. Explain.(GJR-15)(DGK-16)(MLT-17,19)(LHR-17)(FSL-19,21)

Q.28: Hydrogen bonding is present in chloroform and acetone. Justify. (DGK-22)(GJR-23)

Q.29: Show hydrogen bonding in alcohol and water. (FSL-23)

Q.30: Why boiling point of H2O is greater than that of HF? (FSL-22)(SWL-23)

Q.31: Why is the boiling point of H2O greater than that of HF, although F is more electronegative than O atom? (RWP-14)(SRG-14)(LHR-19)

Q.32: Explain solubility of hydrogen bonded molecules.

Q.33: Why are ethyl alcohol and carboxylic acids soluble in water but hydrocarbons are not?

Q.24: Lower alcohols are soluble in water but hydrocarbons are insoluble. Give reason.(SWL-19)(DGK-21)(LHR-21)(MLT-21)(RWP-22)

Q.35: Water and ethanol can mix easily and in all proportions. Explain. (FSL-22)(DGK-23)

Q.36: Why does ice float on the surface of water? (LHR-16,17,18)(DGK-16,18)(RWP-17,22)(BWP-17,18)(MLT-18,19)(FSL-23)

Q.37: Why ice occupies 9% more volume than liquid water. (LHR-19)(SRG-19

Q.38: Why is the density of ice less than water? (FSL-19)

Q.39: How will you justify that the structure of ice is just like that of diamond? (DGK-23)

Q.40: In a very cold winter, fish in garden ponds owe their lives to hydrogen bonding. Explain.(MLT-19)(DGK-21)(RWP-22)(FSL-22)

Q.41: How aquatic animals owe their under blanket of ice in winter? (BWP-22)

Q.42: How fishes and plants can survive for months under the cold water? (SWL-22)     

Q.43: What is the role of H-bonding in cleansing action of soaps and detergents?(LHR-17)(SRG-19)(AJK-19)(SWL-21)

Q.44: Explain H-bonding in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). (LHR-21)

Q.45: What is the role of hydrogen bonding in paints, dyes and textile materials? (GJR-21)


Q.46: Define evaporation. Name the factors that control the rate of evaporation. (FSL-16)(BWP-17)

Q.47: Write difference between evaporation and condensation. (SWL-23)

Q.48: Evaporation causes cooling. Explain. (BWP-16,17,19,23)(LHR-16,19,19,23)(GJR-17)(SRG-17)(DGK-17,22)(RWP-17,23)(FSL-18,19)(AJK-19)(SWL-22)(MLT-23)

Q.49: Why does gasoline evaporate faster than water?

Q.50: Evaporation occurs at all temperatures. Explain. (AJK-16)(MLT-17)(RWP-17)(BWP-23)

Q.51: Why do we feel cooling after bathing?

Q.52: Why do we feel cool when we sit under fan after bathing? (MLT-17)(LHR-17)(SRG-19)(BWP-22)(DGK-22)

Q.53: Define vapour pressure. Name the factors which affect vapour pressure of the liquid. (DGK-17)(GJR-19)

Q.54: Why is the vapour pressure of water, ethyl alcohol and diethyl ether different from each other at 0oC?

Q.55: Boiling point of water is high as compared to boiling point of ether, why? (GJR-19)

Q.56: Why do earthenware vessels keep water cool? (LHR-17)(AJK-17)(MLT-18)(BWP-18,19,22)(DGK-18,19,23)(SRG-23)

Q.57: Define boiling point. Is it related to the external pressure? (AJK-19)

Q.58: Boiling needs a constant supply of heat. Explain. (SRG-18)(BWP-19,19)(GJR-22)

Q.59: The boiling point of water is different at Murre Hills and at Mount Everest. Give reason. (LHR-23)

Q.60: Why does water boil at different temperatures at Murree hills and on the Mount Everest? (BWP-16)(MLT-17)(LHR-17,18)(RWP-18)

Q.61: Why is food cooked earlier in the pressure cooker?

Q.62: What is vacuum distillation? What are its advantages? (DGK-16)(BWP-18)

Q.63: What are the advantages of vacuum distillation? (SWL-23)

Q.64: How the decomposition of a sensitive liquid can be avoided? (FSL-23)

Q.65: Vacuum distillation can be used to avoid decomposition of many liquids. Explain. (BWP-19)(FSL-17)(SRG-19)       

Q.66: Define molar heat of vaporization with one example. (LHR-16)(SRG-19)(AJK-19)

Q.67: Define molar heat of sublimation and molar heat of evaporation. (RWP-22)

Q.68: Define molar heat of fusion with one example. (LHR-17)(GJR-17)(SRG-17)

Q.69: Define enthalpy change.

Q.70: Why is ∆Hs of a substance greater than ∆Hv? (MLT-16)(LHR-16)(DGK-19)

Q.71: Heat of sublimation of I2 is very high. Explain with reason. (BWP-15,18)(DGK-15,19)(MLT-16)(SWL-17)(SRG-18)(LHR-19)  

Q.72: Why are ΔHv values for H2O, NH3 and SO2 higher?

Q.73: Why is heat of vaporization of water higher than CH4? (FSL-19)

Q.74: Steam causes more severe burns than does boiling water. Why?

Q.75: Define with example dynamic equilibrium. (BWP-17)


Q.76: What are liquid crystals? (GJR-17,21)(BWP-17)(DGK-17)(SWL-18)

Q.77: Define liquid crystals with an example. (FSL-23)

Q.78: How do liquid crystals act as temperature sensors? (FSL-19)(GJR-23)

Q.79: State biological application of liquid crystals. OR How can liquid crystals be used to detect blocked vein, tumor or infection under the skin? (SWL-19)

Q.80: Give four uses of liquid crystals. (MLT-16,18)(SRG-19)(DGK-23)

Q.81: Write two applications of liquid crystals. (LHR-19,19)(GJR-21)


Q.82: Differentiate between crystalline and amorphous solids. (SWL-23)

Q.83: Define crystalline solids and crystallites.

Q.84: What are pseudo solids (amorphous solids)? (RWP-16,17,19)(BWP-16)(MLT-17,21)(LHR-17,17)(DGK-19)(FSL-21)(SWL-21)

Q.85: Amorphous solids like glass are also called super cooled liquids, explain. (AJK-16)(SRG-17)(GJR-21)(FSL-22)

Q.86: What are crystallites? (RWP-19)

Q.87: What is meant by geometrical shape of solids? (DGK-21)

Q.88: Define cleavage plane. (FSL-21)(DGK-23)

Q.89: What is meant by anisotropy? (GJR-23)

Q.90: Define anisotropy with example.  (MLT-16)(BWP-17)(SWL-17,21)(GJR-19)(LHR-21,22)(DGK-22)

Q.91: Cleavage is anisotropic property, explain. (MLT-16)(AJK-17)(DGK-18)(SWL-19)(GJR-21)(LHR-21)(RWP-22)(FSL-22)

Q.92: Why graphite conduct electricity in one direction not in other? (LHR-22)

Q.93: Why is graphite anisotropic in electrical conductivity?

Q.94: Define symmetry. What are symmetry elements? (SRG-23)

Q.95: Define symmetry. Name any two symmetry elements. (GJR-18,22)(RWP-19)(SWL-21)(LHR-22)

Q.96: What is habit of crystal? Can habit be changed / How it can be changed?    (GJR-18)(RWP-19,22)(DGK-21)(LHR-22)

Q.97: Why do crystals change their habit? (RWP-21)

Q.98: Define isomorphism and give one example. (LHR-22)(BWP-22,23)

Q.99: Define isomorphism and polymorphism, giving one example in each. (LHR-19)(GJR-19,21)

Q.100: Differentiate between polymorphism and isomorphism. (SRG-16)(BWP-16)(RWP-17,21)(LHR-17)(MLT-17)

Q.101: The crystals showing isomorphism mostly have same atomic ratio. Explain. (GJR-21)

Q.102: Differentiate between polymorphism and allotropy. (SRG-17)(BWP-17)(DGK-22)

Q.103: Define polymorphism by giving one example. (MLT-19,21)(FSL-21)(BWP-23)(GJR-23)

Q.104: Define allotropy. Give two examples. (GJR-19,21)(DGK-21)(LHR-21)(RWP-23)

Q.105: Define transition temperature with an example. (RWP-16,16)(DGK-16,17,19,23)(LHR-16,18,21)(FSL-16,21)(AJK-17)(SRG-17)(MLT-18)(BWP-18)(SWL-23)

Q.106: Transition temperature is shown by elements having allotropic forms and by compounds showing polymorphism.

Q.107: Transition temperature is lower than melting point, why?


Q.108: Explain crystal lattice briefly. (FSL-21)

Q.109: Define unit cell. Give one example. (AJK-17)(MLT-17,21)(FSL-21)

Q.110: Define unit cell. What are unit cell dimensions? (FSL-23)

Q.111: What are unit cells? Give its crystallographic elements. (LHR-22)

Q.112: What are unit cell dimensions or crystallographic elements? (FSL-21)

Q.113: Describe crystallographic elements. (LHR-23)


Q.114: Write six crystallographic elements of a tetragonal crystal system. (FSL-21)

Q.115: Draw the shapes, axes and angles of hexagonal system. (DGK-21)

Q.116: One of the unit cell angles of hexagonal crystal is 120o. Justify. (BWP-16)

Q.117: Describe triclinic system. Give its dimensions. (MLT-21)


Q.118: Write down names of different types of crystalline solids. (AJK-19)

Q.119: What are ionic solids? Give two examples. (GJR-22)

Q.120: 58.5 amu is the formula mass of NaCl, not its molecular mass. Explain.

Q.121: Ionic solids do not conduct electricity in solid state but conduct electricity in molten or solution form. Why? (MLT-16,17)(RWP-17)(SWL-17,18)(DGK-18,19)(SRG-18,19)

Q.122: Ionic crystals are highly brittle. Justify. (AJK-16)(MLT-16,16)(RWP-17)(SRG-17,23)(BWP-19,22)(SWL-23)

Q.123: Why ionic crystalline solids have high melting points?

Q.124: Define co-ordination number of an ion. Why the co-ordination numbers of Na+ and Cs+ in NaCl and CsCl are different? (FSL-17)

Q.125: Why NaCl and CsCl have different structures? (MLT-17)(GJR-19)(SRG-19) 

Q.126: Define lattice energy. Give example. (LHR-16)(DGK-17)(BWP-17)(GJR-18)(FSL-22)(RWP-23)

Q.127: What are the types of covalent solids?

Q.128: Diamond is hard and electrical insulator. Why? (FSL-16,17)(MLT-16,18)(LHR-17,23)(DGK-17)(GJR-18)

Q.129: Diamond is a bad conductor of electricity while graphite is a good conductor of electricity, why? (GJR-18)(SWL-19)(BWP-19)

Q.130: What are molecular solids and which type of interactions hold them together? (FSL-22)

Q.131: Write down any two properties of molecular solids. (MLT-19)

Q.132: Molecular solids are soft and easily compressible. Justify.

Q.133: Iodine dissolves readily in tetrachloromethane. Why?

Q.134: What is electron gas theory?

Q.135: Define metallic bond.

Q.136: Why does the electrical conductivity of metal decrease with increase in temperature? (AJK-16)(DGK-18)(BWP-19,22)(LHR-23)(MLT-23)

Q.137: Metals are good conductor of heat and electricity. Explain.

Q.138: Freshly cut metals give lustrous surface. Explain. (MLT-19)(RWP-19)

Q.139: Metals are malleable and ductile. Why?                                                                                   

Q.140: Sodium is softer than copper but both are very good electrical conductors. Justify. (FSL-17)(RWP-17)(SRG-18)  

Q.141: What is cubic close packing and hexagonal close packing? (MLT-23)

Q.142: In the closest packing of atoms of metals, only 74% space is occupied. How? 



01: What are London dispersion forces? Give factors affecting them specially for halogens and hydrocarbons. (FSL-23)

02: Define and explain London forces. Describe the factors affecting the London dispersion forces.  (GJR-22,23)                                                                                                                                            

03: Write a note on the factors affecting the strength of London forces. (BWP-17)(FSL-21)

04: Define hydrogen bonding. Give its three applications. (FSL-19)(DGK-19)(DGK-21)(RWP-22)(BWP-23)

05: Define and explain hydrogen bonding giving any two suitable examples. (RWP-21)

06: Explain the structure of ice on the basis of hydrogen bonding. (LHR-21)(GJR-22)(FSL-22)               

07: How does hydrogen bonding explain the following indicated properties of the substances: (i) Hydrogen bonding in proteins (ii) Formation of ice and its lesser density than liquid water. (BWP-23)

08: What is meant by hydrogen bonding? How it explains the helix structure of proteins? (MLT-19)

09: What is hydrogen bonding? Discuss hydrogen bonding in biological compounds. (RWP-16)(MLT-16)(SRG-17)(GJR-21)


10: Define vapour pressure. Describe manometric method for the measurement of vapor pressure of a liquid. (RWP-17,19,22)(DGK-17,22)(BWP-16,17)(LHR-16,19)(MLT-17)(SWL-19)(AJK-19)

11: Describe the measurement of vapour pressure by manometric method with diagram. (FSL-23)(SRG-23)

12: How vapour pressure is measured by manometric method? (BWP-22)

13: Define boiling point. What is the effect of external pressure on boiling point? Give two examples. (RWP-23)

14: What is the effect of external pressure on the boiling point of a substance? Give example. (DGK-16)

15: How boiling point and external pressure are related to each other? Explain with the help of examples. (BWP-22)              


16: What are liquid crystals? Give their uses in daily life. (RWP-16,17)(LHR-16,17)(GJR-19)(MLT-19,21,21,23)(SWL-21,23)(FSL-22)

17: What are liquid crystals? Give their importance. (SWL-22)                


18: Differentiate between isomorphism and polymorphism with suitable examples. (SRG-19)

19: Explain isomorphism with examples. (LHR-21)                    

20: Describe four properties of crystalline solids. (LHR-23)

21: Explain the following properties of crystalline solids giving one example in each case: (i) Anisotropy (ii) Symmetry (iii) Polymorphism (iv) Habit of a crystal. (FSL-21)                            

22: Define the following properties of solids: (i) Allotropy (ii) Habit of crystals (iii) Cleavage plane (iv) Transition temperature. (BWP-19)                                  

23: Explain the following properties of crystalline solids: (i) Isomorphism (ii) Transition temperature. Give two examples in each case. (GJR-21)                                 


24: What are ionic solids? Discuss their properties in detail. (MLT-16,17)(LHR-17,19)(DGK-23)

25: Explain the properties of ionic solids. (DGK-22)

26: Discuss structure of sodium chloride in detail. (SWL-23)

27: What are covalent solids? Explain their properties. (GJR-23)

28: Explain covalent solids with their properties. OR Write four properties of covalent solids. (FSL-16,19)(DGK-16,19)(LHR-17,22)(BWP-19)

29: Describe covalent solids with reference to: (i) Hardness (ii) Conductivity (iii) Solubility in water (iv) Melting points. (SRG-19)

30: What are molecular solids? Give their properties and examples. (LHR-22)(DGK-17,23)(SRG-17)

31: What are metallic solids? Describe their properties. (LHR-23)32: Write four properties of metallic crystals. (SWL-17)(GJR-19)

NOTE: Study and utilize this treasure of questions in your preparations. Also give your opinion in comments to improve this effort. Your verdict will have a meaning for us. Thanks a lot!

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