Tag Chem-11

Solved Exercise, Chem-11, Ch-05

EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES IN CHEMISTRY Q.01: Select the most suitable answer for the given one. (i) The nature of positive rays depends on: (a) The nature of electrodes (b) The nature of the discharge tube (c) The nature of the residual…

Solved Exercise, Chem-11, Ch-03

GASES Q.01: Select the most suitable answers from the given ones in each question:     (i) Pressure remaining constant at which temperature the volume of a gas will become twice of what it is at 0oC: (a) 546oC (b) 200oC (c)…

Solved Exercise, Chem-11, Ch-02

EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES IN CHEMISTRY Q.01: Select the most suitable answers from the given ones in each question:    (i) A filtration process could be very time consuming if it were not aided by a gentle suction which is developed:      …