These are the ‘Model Guess Papers’ for bio-11, chapter 2. There are two versions:
- Green
- White
The ‘Green” version contains the most important questions of the chapter which have been repeated several times in board papers. This model paper is a type of guess paper also because it points out and sorts out the most relevant exam material for the students seeking selective preparation in short time. Just prepare these questions, and possibly you may attempt almost 100% questions from this chapter in the board exam. Here, in the gallery is the model guess paper-green.
Model Guess Paper-Green

Model Guess Paper-White
This is second version of model guess paper for chapter-02, bio-11. In this version, most of the remaining questions of the chapter have been given. This version is for those students who seek complete preparation of the board exams, and don’t want to take risk. The questions given in this model paper have come in the board papers once or twice or none. However, these are important in the sense that they may be repeated in any coming paper. Here in the gallery, are the images of ‘Model Guess Paper-White’.

Utilize these papers in your exam preparation and give your opinion in the comment box. Your suggestions will be welcomed. Thanks!
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