Tag biology

Assessment Tests, Bio-12, Ch-20

Chapter-20: Chromosome and DNA The topics concerning the tests given below are: Introduction of transition metals, properties and general characteristics of transition metals, complex compounds, nomenclature of complex compounds, manufacture of iron and steel, corrosion, chemistry of chromates, dichromates and…

Assessment Tests, Bio-12, Ch-17

Chapter-17: Coordination and Control Main topics of the chapter relevant to the tests are: Introduction, coordination in plants, control through hormones, biological clocks and circadian rhythms, plant hormones, coordination in animals, nervous coordination, receptors, neurons, nerve impulse, synapse, human nervous…

Assessment Tests, Bio-12, Ch-16

Chapter-16: Support and Movement The main topics concerning the tests are: Support in plants, significance of secondary growth in plants, types of movements, role of hormones in growth of plants, support and movement in animals, hydrostatic skeleton, endoskeleton, exoskeleton, human…

Assessment Tests, Bio-12, Ch-15

HOMEOSTASIS The topics of the chapter concerning the tests are: Osmoregulation, osmoregulation in plants & animals, excretion , excretion in different environments, execratory organ (liver), urinary system, nephron, thermoregulation & thermoregulations in mammals. Examination worth of this chapter is 9…

Assessment Tests, Bio-11, Ch-14

Transport Following topics correspond to the tests of this chapter: Introduction, transport in plants, uptake of water by roots, water potential, plasmolysis and pressure potential, ascent of sap, cohesion tension theory, root pressure, imbibition, types of transpiration, opening and closing…